
There’s a CRSI Professional Near You

We’ve established regional offices from coast-to-coast with professionals ready to respond to your reinforced concrete questions. Local reinforced concrete design and construction seminars, presentations and office visits can be easily arranged. For additional information, contact your region manager. Click here for a map illustrating regions and chapters (where applicable). 

Northeast Region

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Northeast Region Manager
REGION CHAPTERS: Knickerbocker, Mid-Atlantic, Pilgrim 
P: 630-380-5867

Midwest Region

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Midwest Region Manager
REGION CHAPTERS: Great Lakes, Heart of America, Pioneer, Viking 
P: 630-380-5869

Southeast Region

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Southeast Region Manager
Tega Cay, SC
P: 630-380-5868

Greater Southwestern Region

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Greater Southwestern Region Manager
Birmingham, AL
P: 630-380-5870

Western Region

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Western Region Manager
REGION CHAPTERS: Golden Gate, Pacific Southwest
Scottsdale, AZ
P: 630-380-5872

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Pacific Northwest Manager
REGION CHAPTERS: Mountain West, Pacific Northwest
Camas, WA
P: 630-380-5871

About the Institute

CRSI offers many industry-trusted technical publications, standards documents, design aids, reference materials, and educational opportunities.