Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

The reinforced concrete industry actively supports the transparent reporting of environmental impacts associated with construction products. Many rating systems (LEED V4), standards (ASHRAE 189.1) and green building codes (IgCC) require the submission of environmental product declarations (EPDs) for products delivered to the project site. These EPDs rely on the results of life-cycle assessments to provide information on a number of environmental impacts related to the manufacture of the product, including global warming potential, ozone depletion, acidification, eutrophication and ozone creation.

This EPD for steel reinforcement, which covers the product life cycle from cradle to fabricator gate, satisfies the submission requirements for programs such as LEED and Green Globes. Based on the rules spelled out in the ISO standards relative to EPDs, they can only be used by firms who participated in the development of the EPD through membership in the producing organization. THE SUBMITTING ORGANIZATION OF THE EPD MUST BE VERIFIED AS A CURRENT CRSI FABRICATOR MEMBER AS LISTED BELOW.

For that reason, an EPD  can only be submitted for project credit by firms that were CRSI members at the time of its development or who have subsequently joined CRSI and submitted environmental impact data relative to their mill/shop. They cannot be submitted for project credit by a fabricator who does not meet these qualifications. In addition, these EPDs can only be used for mill material produced in North America. For fabricated steel reinforcement, the EPD can only be used for domestic material produced by a current CRSI Member.

Scroll down for EPD documents download links.

CRSI Fabricator Members authorized to submit this EPD in fulfillment of project requirements include:

Updated August 1, 2024

A&S Rebar Inc. Gerdau Quality Rebar, Inc.
ABC Coating Company of Illinois Gerdau Reinforcing Steel R & R Rebar Fabricators, Inc.
ABC Coating Company of Michigan Huber Brothers, LLC Re-Steel Supply Co., Inc.
ABC Coating Company of Minnesota HYMMCO Re-Steel Supply Co., Inc. – New England
ABC Coating Company, Inc. JD Steel Company, Inc. Re-Steel Supply Co., Inc. – West Virginia
Addison Construction Supply, Inc. JMS Rebar Inc. Rebar Engineering, Inc.
Amber Steel Company Katy Steel Co. Rebarfab, Inc.
American Steel Fabrication, Inc. Klein Reinforcing Services Rebars & Mesh, Inc.
Anasteel & Supply Company, LLC Magnolia Steel Co., Inc. Rocky Mountain Rebar, LLC
Atlas Construction Supply, Inc. Martinez Steel LLC Salit Specialty Rebar
Barton Malow Company McNish Steel Ltd. San Antonio Masonry and Steel
Bec-Don, Inc. Men of Steel Rebar Fabricators LLC Simcote, Inc.
Bellis Steel Company, Inc. Mid States Rebar and Supply, Inc. Simmons Steel Corporation
Black Iron Reinforcing MMFX Steel Corporation of America Simpson Reinforcing, Inc.
Black Swamp Steel Inc. MMFX Technologies Corporation Sioux City Foundry
Bolsinger Rebar Inc. MMI of Kentucky Stantru Reinforcing Steel
Boman Kemp Manufacturing Morse Steel Service Steel Mountain Fabricators, LLC
CFS Steel Company Neat Steel Inc. Steelcorp Incorporated
CMC Nucor Harris Rebar Fresno Inc. Strand Metals Service, Inc.
Columbia Basin Rebar Inc./A Nucor Rebar Fabrication Co. Nucor Rebar Fabrication T.T. Wilson Co.
Conco Reinforcing Steel Nucor Rebar Fabrication – Jackson Teton Steel
Concrete Accessories Inc. Nucor Rebar Fabrication – New Mexico The Conco Companies
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Nucor Rebar Fabrication – North Carolina Thompson Materials Corp.
Construction Materials, Inc. Nucor Rebar Fabrication – Salinas Titusville Fabricators, Inc.
Contractors Materials Company Nucor Rebar Fabrication – Salt Lake, Trowbridge Steel Co., Inc.
Corrosion Resistant Reinforcing Nucor Rebar Fabrication – Seattle Upland Contracting, Inc.
D’Ambra Construction Corp. Nucor Rebar Fabrication – Stoney Creek Van Laan Construction Supply
Dalco Industries, Inc. Nucor Rebar Fabrication ABCO Inc. Victory Steel Co., Inc.
Dimension Fabricators, Inc. Nucor Rebar Fabrication Southwest Western Coating, Inc.
Drake-Williams Steel, Inc. Nucor Rebar Fabrication Winnipeg Western Rebar, Inc.
Epoxy Interest Group of CRSI Nuway FAB Western States Rebar Fabrication Inc.
Ersco Construction Supply Ocean Steel Rebar Limited Whaling City Iron Co.
Factory Direct Supply Ozark Rebar and Supplies Whitacre Engineering Company
Farwest Steel Corporation Palmetto State Steel Company Whitacre Rebar
Farwest Steel Reinforcing Company Puget Sound Steel