About the Institute

Founded in 1924, the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) is a technical institute and Standards Developing Organization (SDO) that stands as the authoritative resource for information related to steel reinforced concrete construction. CRSI offers many industry-trusted technical publications, standards documents, design aids, reference materials, and educational opportunities.
Approximately 8 million tons of reinforcing steel (rebar) is manufactured per year using scrap steel in efficient manufacturing operations. It is estimated that the industry impacts over 75,000 people in steel transportation and placement.
CRSI members include manufacturers, fabricators, material suppliers, and placers of steel reinforcing bars and related products as well as professionals who are involved in the research, design, and construction of steel reinforced concrete. CRSI members employ approximately 15,000 people in steel production and rebar fabrication at over 450 locations in 47 states throughout North America.
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The non-profit CRSIÂ Foundation fosters the educational and research mission of the Institute through educational programs and scholarships for students majoring in civil engineering, architecture, and other related disciplines at universities and technical schools. The Foundation also supports research fellowships and projects, which will ultimately advance the reinforced concrete industry.
CRSI is headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, with regional offices located across the United States.
Industry Impact
During the Institute’s infancy, it produced numerous written works that would become major contributions to the reinforced concrete industry. One such publication was the Standard Building Code Provisions for Reinforced Concrete adopted by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) as the ACI Building Code Regulations Covering Reinforced Concrete Construction.
Several years later, a new membership structure that included steel producers (mills) bolstered CRSI as it weathered the Great Depression and World War II. Government intervention and war-time restrictions impacted the work of the membership, however, one constant remained, and it was during this time the Institute would produce the precursors and first editions of publications that would become industry staples. Titles included Reinforced Concrete – A Handbook on Reinforced Concrete Construction Containing Information of Value to the Architect and Engineer (predecessor of the current Manual of Standard Practice), CRSI Design Handbook (now produced as series of design guides), Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars (later to become simply Placing Reinforcing Bars), and the Reinforcing Bar Detailing manual were published throughout this period providing industry education and guidance.
As the industry matured, CRSI kept evolving with the changing needs of its members and an environment impacted by technological advancement, demographic changes, and the advent and evolution of new products and related processes. Taller buildings, new highway infrastructure, the evolving building code, and corrosion resistance were all topics of focus and research.
Leading up to and entering the new millennium, CRSI expanded its membership, technical committees, standards and codes representation, and research obligations. New services included the development of industry specific software, plant certification programs, as well as various initiatives to help members conform to a growing number of regulatory frameworks, from health and safety to environmental protection. The Institute embraced government advocacy and developed the necessary documents for its members to comply with requirements in the sustainability movement. It also fostered the research and adoption of high-strength (80 and 100 ksi) reinforcing steel in partnership with the CRSI Foundation, Pankow Foundation, and ACI Foundation. Workforce development and outreach to universities and construction school programs also continue to be key issues within in the Institute and Foundation.
More recently, it was during the global pandemic that CRSI’s most recent flagship publication, Design Guide on the ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, was released. Shortly thereafter, a series of companion Design Checklists were created to provide additional time-saving information to designers. Currently, a comprehensive design guide addressing state-of-the-art seismic design requirements is in development for a late 2024 release.
Industry Involvement
CRSI staff remain engaged in the best interests and safe practices of the industry through participation and representation in proper technical and advisory committees, coalitions, and partnerships.
Committees and Subcommittees
90-07 TAC Productivity and Constructability Subcommittee
132 Responsibility in Concrete Construction
301 Specifications for Concrete Construction
- 301C Reinforcement and Reinforcement Supports–Section 3
314 Simplified Design of Concrete Buildings
- 314-0D Design Aids
- 314-TG1 Update IPS-1
315 Details of Concrete Reinforcement–Joint ACI-CRSI
318 Structural Concrete Building Code
- 318B Anchorage and Reinforcement
- 318W Wind Provisions
347 Formwork
362 Parking Structures
374 Performance-Based Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings
375 Performance-Based Design of Concrete Buildings for Wind Loads
377 Performance-Based Structural Integrity & Resilience of Concrete Structures
408 Bond and Development of Steel Reinforcement–Joint ACI-ASCE
- 408A Mechanical Reinforcing Bar Anchorages and Splices
421 Design of Reinforced Concrete Slabs–Joint ACI-ASCE
423 Prestressed Concrete Slabs–Joint ACI-ASCE
439 Steel Reinforcement
440 Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement
437 Strength Evaluation of Existing Structures
343 Concrete Bridge Design
Concrete Research Council (CRC)
ASCE/SEI 7-22 Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures
- Voting member of main committee
- Associate member of seismic subcommittee
A01.05 Steel Reinforcement
A01.05.01 Section on Reinforcing Bars
A01.05.04 Section on Coated Reinforcement
D1.1Structural Welding Code—Steel
- Subcommittee on Reinforcing Steel
Code Advisory Committee
- Member of the seismic provisions subcommittee
Building Seismic Safety Council member for CRSI
California Field Iron Workers Administrative Trust (CAFIWAT)
- Longstanding agreement for education and promotion
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